I want to honor all mamas. To acknowledge all we go through. Our seasons, our success, and our failures.
Here's my story. Three little loves and a dream of being a professional artist.
Take it as you will but this is how I manage a life with a career in the arts.

I started my business at 6 months pregnant with my third when I decided to be a full time artist. I hadn’t painted in a 8 years but started back into it by painting portraits of my children. When I sold three paintings in one week I took that as a sign to launch into a business.
Internal drive, determination and love of painting keeps me going everyday. Limited time helps me not take it for granted. Even if I only have 30 minutes sitting at the breakfast table with the kids I get out my paints. When we travel I bring my paints.
My art supplies are stored in the kitchen, easy to access, so I can just get started when a free moment arises.
I have painted with my kids from the time they were two and three (now 3 & 4). They help with my base layer getting color on the canvas. They have their own painting table with watercolors set up for them at all times. We put on music and all paint together while I bounce my youngest (1 now) in a baby bouncer with my foot. When I work on my large-scale 8 foot canvases I have to wait until after they go to bed and paint on the floor with my headphones on. During the day there are pockets of time for admin and applying to opportunities when the kids are having down time.
Our house has paint, crayon, and handprints on all the surfaces in our home.
They are a part of everything I do from getting supplies, going to the photographer, and to coming to my show openings.
My goal is to have a job like this that is flexible so I can spend my days with them and be there for them. Family is so important to me yet there is also a creative fire in me that won’t let me stop following my dream of continuing to be a professional artist no matter what my circumstances.